2938 Ch. Ste-Foy #206 |
239 000 $

Presented by

Marie Parent

Residential and Commercial Real Estate Broker

Phone Icon 418-694-2026

Mail Iconmarieparentrl@gmail.com

Mail Iconevelyn@epeladeau.com

Presented by

Marie Parent

Residential and Commercial Real Estate Broker

Phone Icon 418-694-2026

Mail Iconmarieparentrl@gmail.com

Mail Iconevelyn@epeladeau.com

Markup Icon

2938 Ch. Ste-Foy #206

Québec (Sainte-Foy/Sillery/Cap-Rouge)

Québec G1X 1P4

Dollar Icon

Price: 239 000 $

Property #: 23241335

Bed Icon Bedroom: 2
Bath IconBathroom: 1
Bath IconWashroom: N/A